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disabled campus communities

  • Renew Georgetown’s partnership with Gallaudet University to offer ASL and other sign-language courses for the 2021-2022 academic year. These sign-language courses must be made applicable to the general language proficiency requirements for Georgetown students. 


  • In general, Georgetown University must further its academic relationship with Gallaudet University. 


  • Support the student-led Disability Cultural Center Campaign, which calls for the creation of a Disabled-centric community space and a Georgetown office that caters to Disability-related resources and needs, similar to the CMEA or GSP for their respective communities.


  • Ensure that Georgetown’s Disability Alliance and all other disability-centered advocacy organizations receive our administration’s material and institutional support in all future policy initiatives.


  • Support the Fall 2021 pilot of Hoyalift — an on-campus shuttle program that will transport students with physical disabilities and/or injuries to make the campus more accessible — and push for its permanent implementation thereafter.

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